Monday, September 3, 2007

A Prayer for Labor Day

O God,

In your grace you have given us things to do and for that we are grateful. We thank you for work; we thank you for vocation; we thank you for the opportunity to contribute something positive to our society.

As in all things, there are issues and difficulties associated with our work.

Sometimes we give far too much time and energy to our work at the expense of our walk with you, our families, and our health. Forgive us and help us to do better.

Sometimes we give far too little attention and devotion to the vocation to which you have called us. Forgive us and help us to do better.

Sometimes we who are supervisors or managers or owners think far too little about what is best for our employees. Forgive us and help us to do better.

Sometimes we who are employees think far too little about how our efforts help our company and how we can through our work be a positive force in the world. Forgive us and help us to do better.

Sometimes we find ourselves without work and that troubles us and creates real problems for our families. Encourage us and lead us to job that you would have us to do.

On the other hand, there are blessings associated with our work.

Thank you for the privilege of being productive and helpful.

Thank you for the blessing of making a living and being able to pay the bills.

Thank you for a sense of accomplishment when a task is finished.

Thank you for the partnership we share with our coworkers.

Thank you for opportunity we have to bear witness on our jobs to our faith in Christ.

Thank you for the chance to get better at what we do.

On this Labor Day, Lord, we ask your blessings on all workers everywhere. Strengthen us, encourage us, and inspire us. And for our young people, O Lord, we ask that you would lead them to the vocation to which you are truly calling them.

In the name of Christ our Lord, Amen.

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