Wednesday, January 4, 2012

On the Eleventh Day of Christmas 2011-2012

“What did you get this Christmas?” is a question we often ask and answer in the days following Christmas Day.

We reach a nice level of maturity when the question in which we are more interested is “What did I give this Christmas?” It is, after all, more blessed to give than to receive.

The most important question of all, though, is “Whom did we receive this Christmas?”

The right answer, of course, is “Jesus.”

Still, here near the end of the Christmas season is a good time to ask ourselves just how open we have been to his coming to us with his challenges to our motives, our choices, our priorities, and our actions; it’s also a good time to start thinking about and working on how we’re going to respond to those challenges as we move past Christmas and into the “ordinary” time between Epiphany and Lent; indeed, it’s a good time to start thinking about and working on how we’re going to respond to those challenges one day, one hour, one minute, one second at a time for the rest of our lives.

On this Eleventh Day of Christmas, may God help us to face up to the challenges that come to us when Jesus comes to us…

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