Sunday, March 22, 2020

A Prayer for Use in On-Line Worship During the COVID-19 Crisis

O God,

We know you see us wherever we are. We know you are with us wherever we are. We know you love us wherever we are.

Today, many of us are in our homes, doing what we can to protect ourselves and others from the COVID-19 illness caused by the coronavirus. Some of us are at work, doing all we can to make sure people have life’s necessities during this challenging time. Others of us are serving in our roles as medical professionals, testing people with symptoms and tending to those who have COVID-19 or other illnesses.

Thank you for the opportunities we have to serve each other, both those we know and those we don’t know, during this time, whether we help by doing something or by doing nothing. Use our active and passive contributions to stem the tide of this illness.

In these difficult days, give our leaders wisdom to lead us in the right ways. Give our scientists wisdom to develop an effective vaccine and to identity effective treatments for the disease. Give our doctors and nurses wisdom to know how best to help those in their care. Give our ministers wisdom to strengthen our spirits, to encourage us to think of others, and to guide our churches to make sound decisions. Give all of us wisdom to follow the advice of experts who are trying to teach us how to protect ourselves and others.

Protect those whose necessary service puts them at risk. Protect those who are especially vulnerable to the coronavirus. Protect us all.

O God, we need protection from threats other than the virus. Please protect us from excessive fear, from selfishness, and from apathy. Protect us from ways of thinking, talking, and acting that indicate racism, classism, or other sinful assumptions and perspectives.

Fill us to overflowing with your love, your grace, your mercy, and your peace, so that they pour out of us and on to others.

O God, we are not together today. And yet we are together. We are together because your love, your Spirit, and our fellowship bind us even we are apart. We are together in you.

As your scattered yet united people, we praise your name, ask for your help, and seek your will.

In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord we pray,


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