Sunday, April 5, 2009

Tinged Praise: A Prayer for Palm Sunday

We praise you today, O Lord, but our praise is a tinged praise.

Our praise is tinged with sorrow because we know that your triumphal entry will give way to your stumbling walk to Calvary.

Our praise is tinged with shock because we know that the voices that proclaimed you king will give way to voices that will clamor for your crucifixion.

Our praise is tinged with dismay because we know that the disciples who welcomed you will give way to disciples who will betray you and deny you.

Our praise is tinged with grief because we know that we who praise you here today helped put you on the cross.

Our praise is tinged with fear because we know from experience that we are also capable of betraying and denying you.

Our praise is tinged with doubt because we don’t know if we can follow you as we should all the way to the cross—and beyond.

And so, O Lord, we praise you, but our praise is a tinged praise.

Please accept it anyway. By your grace forgive us. By your Spirit strengthen us.

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