Sunday, June 14, 2009

A Prayer for Sunday, June 14, 2009

For all your good gifts, O God, we give you thanks—

--for the good gift of praise through music;

--for the good gift of life in all its stages;

--for the good gift of Christian fellowship that transcends geography and other barriers;

--for the good gift of worship in which we can offer our lives to you again;

--for the good gift of the world in which we are privileged to live out our faith;

--for the good gift of your grace that saves us and sustains us;

--for the good gift of the home which is our ultimate destination and of the homes that are ours along the way—

For all these good gifts we give you thanks.

In all our needs, O God, we come to you—

--in our need for love and acceptance;

--in our need for mercy and forgiveness;

--in our need for health and healing;

--in our need for fellowship and community;

--in our need for comfort and encouragement;

--in our need for relevance and meaning;

--in our need for endurance and perseverance—

In all these needs we come to you.

We praise you, O God, because, while we do give you thanks, you have given us your Son and your Spirit; we praise you, O God, because, while we do come to you, you have come to us through your Son and your Spirit.

Therefore will we trust and not be afraid.


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